Friday, January 11, 2013

Submissions for 2013

Submissions for 2013 are now open for Gold Man Review. 

Gold Man Review is open for submissions from January through April. We do accept simultaneous submissions, but please let us know immediately if your work has been accepted elsewhere. Keep in mind that Gold Man Review only accepts submissions by email. All submissions to Gold Man Review must be original, unpublished work from writers, artists, and photographers residing in the State of Oregon. All submissions need to have a cover letter, telling us a little about the work you are submitting (including word count), along with your first and last name, pen name (if you have one), physical address, email address, phone number, and a brief biography. Submissions without an accompanying cover letter per our guidelines will not be considered. 

What We Are Looking For: First and foremost, we are looking for outstanding and exceptional work. With that being said, Gold Man Review is open to fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. Art and photography is also accepted, but will only be published in e-book format. We are not looking for particular themes; however, we are looking for the unusual and random. Make us laugh. Make us cry. Make us see the extraordinary. Make us see the beautiful. That’s it. Fairly simple. Although we are open to all types of writing and art forms, we are not interested in material with gratuitous language, sex, or violence or material that seeks to harm, endanger, or threaten any person or persons. 

Fiction/Nonfiction: Submissions should be no longer than 5,000 words. Manuscripts should be in Times New Roman (12-point font) and double-spaced. Submissions should be attached as a Word document. Please no novel excerpts, unless they are stand alone as a complete story. 

Poetry: Submissions can be up to either three short poems or longer poems with a three-page maximum. Poetry submissions should be in Times New Roman (12-point font) and attached as a Word document.

Art/Photographs: Submissions can be up to three pieces of artwork/photography both in color and black and white. Files should be attached as .jpg (preferred), .gif, or .png extensions. Response Time: Please allow four months for a response. If you have not received a response within that time, then your work is undergoing further consideration.
If you have not heard back in six months, then send us an email requesting the status of your submission. 

We look forward to reviewing your work! 

Please visit us at to find out more about what we do.